
June 13, 2013

If you're looking to brush up on your accounting skills because of a promotion or a new job, or if...

June 12, 2013

Rock Star, Cirque du Soleil juggler, Jack or Jill of All Trades, however you refer to an office manager, performance...

first-party debt collections
June 11, 2013

Casinos are usually in the business of ensuring that their visitors lose money, but last year, a festering accounting mistakes...

January 29, 2013

Congratulations to Optio Solutions! Achieving PPMS certification must be lauded, teams thanked exuberantly, and I’d like to take a moment...

December 3, 2012

Understanding what type of business loan you need to fund your small business is essential to managing the loan, and...

November 27, 2012

Vendor relations are important in every industry. Effective relations lead to competitive pricing, customer loyalty, business growth, sustainability, and profitability....

October 4, 2012

Optio Solutions' District Sales Manager, Ray Stawiarski, will be attending the 23rd Annual Petaluma Business Expo today, Thursday, October 4th...

September 28, 2012

Is your business different from other businesses because you offer different products or services?  Actually, all of us are in...

September 18, 2012

It's an unfortunate fact, but virtually every business that offers consumer credit and alternative payment structures will have to deal...