
March 22, 2012

When a debt languishes, it’s important to remind the client and request payment. This often involves sending a collection letter, but...

March 16, 2012

We asked our clients why they wait so long before considering using a collection agency to manage their accounts receivable, and...

March 9, 2012

Three Top Priorities of Accounts Receivable Management   Most executives that we talk to here at Optio Solutions have 3...

March 8, 2012

Optio Solutions' Stephen Ferrar and Brenda Gonzales recently attended the Southwest Pool & Spa Show March 2, 2012 in San...

March 1, 2012

Caveat emptor is the rule of the marketplace: let the buyer beware. Consumers should be wary when choosing a debt collection...

February 22, 2012

Your intentions in keeping debts in-house are likely good.  We often hear from customers who’ve let debts languish, believing they’d...

February 21, 2012

Cash flow is important for any business, but for small businesses, it might be critical to survival or growth.  Many...

February 17, 2012

Is your cash flow really flowing? How do you collect debt to keep the cash flowing? You company's access to cash and...

February 3, 2012

What a dirty word, nobody wants to say it, I can only whisper it, accusing someone of it puts you...